ATCA Bulletin Issue No 6, 2024
Issue No. 6
Published six times per year, The ATCA Bulletin is the electronic newsletter of the Air Traffic Control Association. A perfect complement to our Journal, the Bulletin provides timely information on the activities of the association, its members, and important news and developments within our industry. We offer The ATCA Bulletin in easy-to-read, turn-the-page digital editions.
The ATCA Bulletin is an exclusive member benefit. Members receive it via e-mail and have access to the password-protected online version. Click here to access the current issue of the Bulletin and Bulletin archives.
Interested in becoming an ATCA member? Please contact Membership Manager, Glenn Cudaback.
The editor of The ATCA Bulletin welcomes article inquiries and submissions for consideration. Please submit them to the Editor in Chief, Mat Garretson.
Article length is flexible, but should range from 500 – 1,500 words and address subjects of interest to the air traffic community. Letters to the editor and short commentaries will also be considered.
Please submit articles as Microsoft Word files as email attachments. Submissions should include separate files for artwork (photos, graphs, charts, etc.). Please do not embed images within the article document itself. All images should be a minimum resolution of 300 dpi and 1MB in file size.
The ATCA Bulletin follows Chicago style. For complete references, please consult The Chicago Manual of Style. However, please embrace the oxford comma in your submission.
Articles will be considered for publication throughout the calendar year. If accepted, the Editor will determine the Bulletin issue in which the article will appear and notify you as such. Every author will have one opportunity to proof their article.
To learn more about advertising in The ATCA Bulletin please download the 2024 Media Kit and Rate Card below: